Update on the 2000 Grand Marquis from Last Year

Last year we did a story on an amazing 2000 Mercury Grand marquis that was close to 550000 miles. Well David, the owner of the Marquis sent me an update.

Here is the update on my Grand Marquis.  I was traveling to a meeting in Columbia Missouri yesterday morning.  As I was almost there my oil light came on, so I pulled over at the next gas station and checked oil level.  Was full and okay. Drove couple more miles and pulled into the meeting parking lot and my motor seized up and that was the end. The oil pump had gone out.  No smoking tail pipe or any oil usage.  Had it towed 160 miles to home and talked to my mechanic and he is looking now for a replacement engine to put in the car.  She died at 599,122 miles.  Hope to be back on the road in couple of months with the Marquis.

First, I want to say how relieved I am that the engine didn’t seize on the road. While we really love high-mile cars, safety is of upmost important. I am happy David is okay.  Having said that, I am sad to hear he lost the engine. I hope that the mechanic can source a replacement and David can be on the road soon. I have updated David’s Odometer with the most recent reading. Let us know if/when you get your Marquis back on the road.



2 thoughts on “Update on the 2000 Grand Marquis from Last Year

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  1. That’s sad for the car, but as you point out, it’s fortunate that happened in a parking lot and not at 65 mph on the freeway! Hopefully, the Grand Marquis will be back on the road in the near future.

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