Quick Hall-of-Fame Update

Hi everyone. I hope you are all well.

Things are rocking here in Japan, but my schedule has kept me from updating this blog on a regular basis. I hope to keep up with the news and the top 50 a little more often, however I’m thinking of more of a long term goal of creating a database for the top 50 (and all vehicles) that allows car owners to keep their own cars up to date so I don’t have to.

First, I would certify them, then they could log in and manage their own vehicles and stats, allowing me the pleasure to watch and moderate from afar. At the very least, I could set up the database so that at I could enter information and manage it without manually changing everything. It’s a bit of a pain to keep this thing going in WordPress HTML, despite how useful their new block system is. Haha. Having this in a database could allow us to create multiple search queries and create different lists for all sort of vehicles. Top 50 electric? Top 50 commercial? Top fifty sports car? You see where I am going here?

If you have any ideas where I could turn to develop this, I’d be grateful. I do have a background in coding, but my online web app knowledge is a little on the elementary side. I am willing to learn, however. I could have abandoned this project but I feel there is still a sizable amount of you that follow, and I feel something would be lost in letting this info turn into dust. I run the site for free at the moment, but it might be time to start thing about a budget if required.

Anyways, thanks again for following and I’m looking forward to any suggestions you may have. Take it easy, and keep on driving.



5 thoughts on “Quick Hall-of-Fame Update

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  1. Hi Jason! Thanks for updating our mileage. I really appreciate this list and like reading about the different cars rolling big numbers. I think you have something unique that we can’t really find anywhere else and I don’t want it to go away.

    I don’t know how much it costs to keep the site up, but I’m willing to donate toward it as a show of appreciation.

    I can’t help with programming, but the thought of us having login info and the ability to update mileage sounds great. We could update mileage as we wish and send you an odometer pic so you could verify the integrity of our entries. The program would move our vehicles up the list based on mileage. You could also generate other lists based only trucks, only cars, only US cars, only non US cars, etc.

    Thanks again,

    1. Thank you. I agree with you that it’s a pretty unique list and situation. At the moment, this site only costs me my time to run, and I want to have a plan in place before I start asking for donations or anything like that. Though I appreciate the offer. I do have an idea and I’m going to see if I can get it off the ground. I just need to figure out how to make a searchable database, and PHP and mysql might hold some answers. I’ll have more info on that in a bit. Anyways, thanks again for the support!

  2. I will do whatever I can to help, but I am not very tech savvy! I can fix my Honda though! I just went to the Olympic Trials in Eugene Oregon, driving from Austin Texas. 4,424 miles! I will send in an update soon, or will do whatever you ask. Take care, Kenneth

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