Inside a 250,000 mile+ Jeep Engine

For those who wonder what exactly happens to an engine that has over 250,000 miles on it, David Tracy over at Jalopnik has a great video overview of his 1992 Jeep Cherokee XJ's engine. Three of the engine mount bolts that kept his engine mount to the car broke off and caused the motor to do... Continue Reading →

HMC Exlcusive: 2002 Camry LE With Close to 350K Runs Free in the Desert

Earlier last month I posted about an amazing Camry. Well, now I have another Camry to talk about. This time, with Robert and Alicia Lawrence at Banah de Cristo Ministries. They tell me they drive some of the hottest, roughest roads in between the Mohave Desert in Calif and Phoenix, and the Sonoran Desert in Mexico.  Their 2002 four... Continue Reading →

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