HMC Exclusive – 2001 Hyundai Sonata GLS V6 with 460,000+ Miles

Okay, here's a cool story for a bad case of Mondayitis.  I've been communicating with Paul Silva, and when my e-mails aren't landing in his SPAM box, he tells me he's the proud owner of 2001 Hyundai Sonata GLS V6 with over 460,000 miles in the bank. Can you believe that? I can't recall a... Continue Reading →

HMC Exclusive – Bradley Davis and his ’97 Toyota Avalon

Today's HMC exclusive high-mile story comes courtesy of Bradley Davis. He shared a story with me about his 1997 Toyota Avalon XLS. He's driven the car throughout high school, college, having his wedding ceremony,  and now his current job. He just recently went over the 300,000 mile mark on it and he says it just keeps... Continue Reading →

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