HMC Exclusive: 2003 Silverado with over 500,000 miles

Autumn is fast approaching, and with it, some we have another high-mile truck. Yay! Let's dive right in.  Today's amazing high-miler comes to us from Steven Stokes. Here is the lowdown on his Silverado. Odometer Reading: 554,739 Year: 2003 Model: Chevy Silverado LS 4.8L 2WD Ext. Cab From Steven: Just found this site. Great to... Continue Reading →

HMC Exclusive: 2003 Toyota Tundra – 424,000 miles

    Hello high-milers. We are back up and running for September. I'm going to try launching with a new format here and see if it makes the articles any easier to read. Let me know what you think. Here is a HMC exclusive from Wayne. Odometer Reading: 424000 Year: 2003 Model: Toyota tundra Wayne... Continue Reading →

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