Autos Cheatsheet’s Top 20 cars with a million miles

I was checking my stats this morning and I noticed that Automobiles: Cheatsheet had been sending us some traffic. I had no idea why, so I headed over there and discovered that they had an article on 20 cars that had gone at least a million miles. Not only that, but I discovered they used the hall-of-fame to help create the list. And as a bonus there seems to be cars on their list that aren’t in my hall-of-fame. That is amazing.

This is exactly the reason why I created this site. I wanted it to be an accurate source of info on high-mile cars people could share and reference.  So now, as a big fat thank you,  I’m going to send traffic back their way. Go read that article. In the mean time I’ll update the hall-of-fame with new cars on their list. Yay!



3 thoughts on “Autos Cheatsheet’s Top 20 cars with a million miles

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  1. Pretty sweet! The internet needs more of this sort of thing – appreciation for high mileage vehicles and the people who they serve! That’s cool cheatsheet picked up on your valuable info here.

  2.  I’m not surprised only 5 are domestics. 4 of which are late model trucks which get friven a lot very quickly. Also, there is no mention of the thousands of dollars put into them or time in the shop keeping them on the road to a million miles.  I have a 1989 Camry with 404K, I’ll wait until I get many more miles on it before posting it. It’s all there, all original and everything works.

    From: The High Mile Club To: Sent: Sunday, November 26, 2017 7:57 PM Subject: [New post] Auto Cheatsheet’s Top 20 car with a million miles #yiv0338328274 a:hover {color:red;}#yiv0338328274 a {text-decoration:none;color:#0088cc;}#yiv0338328274 a.yiv0338328274primaryactionlink:link, #yiv0338328274 a.yiv0338328274primaryactionlink:visited {background-color:#2585B2;color:#fff;}#yiv0338328274 a.yiv0338328274primaryactionlink:hover, #yiv0338328274 a.yiv0338328274primaryactionlink:active {background-color:#11729E;color:#fff;}#yiv0338328274 | jasohill posted: “I was checking my stats this morning and I noticed that Automobiles: Cheatsheet had been sending me some traffic. I had no idea why, so I headed over there and discovered that they had an article on 20 cars that had gone at least a million miles. Not only” | |

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