High Mile Futures – June Edition

I have been getting a ton of e-mail recently, and most of it dealing with vehicles that are under my blog-post minimum of 350,000 miles.  Usually, unless there are special circumstances like an electric car or an exotic, I don't dedicate a single blog post to a car under 350,000 miles. However, I feel bad... Continue Reading →

HMC Update: Rosicella Flores and Her Camry hit 500,000 Miles!

This blog is quickly turning into the High-Mile-Camry-Club. I could resist it, but instead I choose to embrace our new Camry overlords. I've been getting at least one new high-mile Camry email a week for the past month, and now I've gotten an amazing mail from a previous HMC Exclusive who tells me her car has hit... Continue Reading →

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